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Graduate Student Forms
Annual Progress Report
The annual progress report must be submitted by each food science graduate student no later than October 8th. The report must be reviewed and signed by the major professor (advisor) before forwarding the form to the Food Science Institute office. You must include a current DARS report with the form.
Online students: Please check the Orientation-FDSCI MS online at Canvas for more information
Program of Study
The Graduate School requires all graduate students submit a Program of Study (POS) form. The POS:
- details all of the courses you will take to complete the requirements of your degree program, and
- lists the faculty members who will serve as members of your supervisory committee.
On-campus students should submit their POS before the end of their second semester of graduate study, and online students should do so upon completion of 9 credit hours. Students should consult with their major professor when completing the form. The form requires your signature, major professor, supervisory committee members, and the program chair. Once the form is completed, the POS will be forwarded to the Dean of the Graduate school for approval.
Electronic Form Submission
Graduate School student forms can now be submitted electronically from the student form dashboard at this link. These forms are not savable and must be filled out completely and submitted in one session.
Online students: Please check the Orientation-FDSCI MS online at Canvas for more information
Program Change Form
Once your POS is submitted and approved by the Graduate School, any changes such as change courses, committee members, etc. made must be done by submitting a program change form. This form is completed in consultation of your major professor (advisor). The form will need your signature, major professor, supervisory committee members, and graduate program chair.
Electronic Form Submission
Graduate School student forms can now be submitted electronically from the student form dashboard at this link. These forms are not savable and must be filled out completely and submitted in one session.
Online students: Please check the Orientation-FDSCI MS online at Canvas for more information
Approval to Schedule Final Exam
All Food Science students—campus‐based and online must complete a final oral examination (also called a "defense") during which they display competency in appropriate areas of expertise. The final oral examination for all students—including online students—takes place on the K‐State campus; you should plan accordingly and be prepared to make appropriate travel arrangements.
The approval to schedule final exam form is due two weeks prior your defense, unless you want your name in the Commencement program. For information about deadlines, refer to the Graduation and Commencement Deadlines Calendar
Electronic Form Submission
Graduate School student forms can now be submitted electronically from the student form dashboard at this link. These forms are not savable and must be filled out completely and submitted in one session.
Online students: Please check the Orientation-FDSCI MS online at Canvas for more information
Graduate Certificate Completion
All students enrolled in the Food Safety and Defense Graduate Certificate are required to submit the graduate certificate completion form.
Electronic Form Submission
Graduate School student forms can now be submitted electronically from the student form dashboard at this link. These forms are not savable and must be filled out completely and submitted in one session.
Please coordinate with your major professor (advisor) when it comes time to complete this form.
Electronic Theses, Dissertations, and Reports (ETDR)
All K-State graduate students are required to submit an electronic version of their thesis, dissertation, or report. The Graduate School does not accept paper copies.
For more information, see the ETDR website.
For more information
Nicole Marple
Program Assistant
Food Science Institute
216 Call Hall
1530 Mid-Campus Drive North
Manhattan, KS 66506
Phone : 785-532-4057