Meat Science

Meat ScienceThe Meat Science & Food Safety program, located in Weber Hall, provides meat processors and entrepreneurs an opportunity to use a 23,000 square foot, state-of-the-art meat science research and teaching complex. This facility, completed in 1988, provides opportunities for harvest, chilling, fabrication, processing, curing, smoking, packaging, display, and cooking of meats.

Laboratories include:

  • the Meat Lab, an on-the-rail abattoir with three processing laboratories;
  • the Sensory Lab, equipped for objective and subjective product evaluation and cookery;
  • the Color Lab with its chilled and frozen display cases;
  • the Meat Chemistry Lab, a fully-equipped facility for analytical work;
  • the Meat Microbiology Lab; and
  • the Post-Processing Pasteurization Lab

The KSU Meat Science Facility is a university sponsored, fee-based research center.


Dr. Elizabeth Boyle

Dr. Elizabeth (Liz) Boyle

Dr. Michael Chao

Dr. Michael Chao
Associate Professor

Dr. Travis OQuinn

Dr. Travis O'Quinn
Associate Professor

Jessie ViphamDr. Jessie Vipham
Associate Professor